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Body language analysis, Skills, and definition

Body language analysis

How do you read body language?

 18 Facts You Should Know About Reading Body Language.

Body language is that language that includes the movements and suggestions that a person makes when speaking in addition to the smallest details and expressions on his face, and your knowledge of how to read body language through the secrets and secrets of this language will change the way you live for the moments you spend with Other people and the way you communicate with them, will make you see the world from above and feel that you are smarter and right in dealing with situations, and will help you to reach new friends, increase your sales, and improve your life incredibly, so come with us to learn some facts related to reading body language.

1- 55% of communication between people depends on body language.

Some or most of us mistakenly believe that words and sentences represent the largest and basic part of the ways individuals communicate with each other, but would you believe that many research and studies indicate that words and sentences represent only 7% of the ways we communicate with our world, while it goes The greater part is due to our movements and gestures, which are translated in the minds of the recipients without their awareness.

2- Body language varies from person to person.

Despite the presence of some common gestures, body language differs from one person to another. Each body has its own language, which is called the “standard” and it is simply the natural state of the person in which he is away from any kind of pressure or fear, anxiety, Sadness, and all the factors that may push it to hide a certain fact or feelings, and the process of analyzing body language is the process of comparing the rest of the person’s behavior and this standard that we draw through our knowledge of the person. We would expect him to be in that position based on his body language and gestures, given gender and external factors. And find out whether it matches his words, or whether there is an interesting secret waiting for you to discover.

3- Training in body language to hide the truth.

There are many specialists and psychological experts for training in body language, but no matter how much a person tries to learn to use it for his benefit, the latter remains the language of truth, because some embarrassing situations make a person lose control over the gestures of his body.

4- Eyes don't lie.

Body language, eye language.

Eye gestures are the most important thing that experts rely on in reading body language, because it is difficult to control them voluntarily when the eyes meet directly, and among the most important suggestions of the eyes:

1- If the pupil of the eye dilates, this indicates that the person is happy with what he heard and vice versa.

2- If a person turns his eyes to his right (your left) while he is speaking, this indicates his sincerity in what he says, by remembering specific words, actions, or feelings.

3- If the eyes of the person you are arguing with or you see turn to his left (your right), then know that he is not truthful in what he is saying.

4- Looking directly into the eyes while shaking hands indicates trust and respect for the person standing in front of you.

5- Your gait reflects your personality.

Body language gait semantics.

Extension of the footsteps, erect stature, moving the shoulders, and raising the head when walking, are all signs of strength, confidence, greatness, and attractiveness in your personality, so try to cover your gait with it.

6- Rubbing fingers is a sign of discomfort.

Self-touch body language.

If you are talking to a person and you notice that he is rubbing his fingers or interlacing them, then know that he is uncomfortable, or tense, for any reason, and that he has made this movement called self-touching in psychology to get some relief, and you're doing this movement is evidence of your confusion, And you should avoid them, in situations that require self-confidence.

7- Retreating quickly after finishing speaking is evidence of lying.

If a person steps back a little after telling you the truth, know that he lied to you, and by stepping back he is trying to escape from his lie.

8- What does a bowed head mean in body language?

In body language, a slightly bowed head is an important sign in intimate relationships between individuals, as it indicates shyness and respect, but if it is accompanied by a smile or laughter, it indicates comfort and joking.

9- A person scratching his eye.

When you talk to him is evidence that he does not fully agree with you.

10- Scratching the ear. 

nose, or chin with the phrase “I understood you” is evidence of a lack of understanding.

- Body language rubbing the ear or nose
If you are explaining a specific idea, and you notice that the person you are interviewing is rubbing his nose, ear, or chin while moving his head down and up, suggesting that he understood what you mean, then know that he did not understand anything of what you said.

11- Covering the organs when sitting is evidence of a lack of self-confidence.

We find that some people tend to put their bags or hats on to cover their organs when sitting, and this suggests a person's lack of confidence in himself or his dissatisfaction with his body.

12- The language of the hands during dialogue.

We use our hands a lot during dialogue, and the most important gestures in the language of the hands are:
- The person placing one of his hands on his neck during the dialogue is evidence that the dialogue is open and that he has already begun to abandon his position and be convinced of your words.
Crossing the arms is usually indicative of a person's influence, self-confidence, and position.

- But if the person is depressed and does not care about what will happen, you will find that he puts his hands in his pockets with the head bowed, and this may sometimes indicate remorse.

13- Body language is the secret of a successful trader.

In acquiring the same commodity, we find that each of us loves and respects a particular merchant, and this is because his body language is good enough to make him approach the customer. The vast majority of people don't just buy based on the product, but on how they feel about the seller as well.

14- Knowing the secrets of body language will help you win various jobs.

Many jobs require an oral interview, as the body language in job interviews is very important, and you should know that all supervisors of these interviews are in fact experts in body language, and they care more about it than the words you say because it is a language that does not lie, so you must be keen to take advantage of all the previous facts, and pay attention to the way you walk, shake hands, sit, the tone of your voice, the place where you direct your gaze during the conversation and control the movements of your hands trying to curb gestures of fear or confusion such as rubbing hands, and in turn, replace it with another, using your hands to explain your thoughts, indicating your self-confidence.

15- Your understanding of body language may lead you to fall into a trap

Do not expect that all the gestures of the individuals around you are always spontaneous and that you are the only genius who tries to read body language, but you must bear in mind that most people try to control their body language, so relying on them alone to discredit or believe others may lead you to fall the body language trap.

But fortunately, it is possible to distinguish between spontaneous gestures, and those that have been rehearsed before in most cases, because spontaneous gestures precede speech directly without the eye wandering resulting from focus to control it and do not come with the beginning of a speech or during it, but the gestures that have been trained It comes with the beginning of a speech or a little late with breaks in the sentences as a result of focusing on them, and your knowledge of this fact will help you avoid falling into the trap of body language often.

16- Pay attention to the distances between you and the person you are talking to
Affinity in body language.

The distance and closeness between you and the person you are talking to are some of the things that have a strong connotation in body language, as it determines the form and nature of the relationship between you.
For example, if you approach a person while talking while he is moving away, this indicates that he is not close to you and is automatically trying to maintain a formal relationship between you. And of course, you can notice this when you observe the people around you to know the degree of their closeness.

17- The movement of the arms is a sign of satisfaction or vice versa.

The movement of broadcasters in a body roll.
The movement and position of the arms are the keys to easily understanding the person in front of you.
Joining the arms: The movement of the arms of a person in conversation with you is considered as he takes a defensive or negative position from your words, and it is also a sign of anxiety and fear.
Putting hands on the waist: a sign of confidence and an attempt to control, and it is used by men more than women.

18- Learn when and how to smile!

Smiling has an important connotation in body language, as it is not only a way to make you more attractive and confident, but it helps you reduce anxiety and stress levels and make you healthier as well.

When you smile people treat you completely differently! But beware of smiling excessively to not leave a negative impression.

According to a recent study, people who smile by nature are treated more naive than people who smile in specific situations. So focus well when and to whom you smile depending on the situation. Who knows, your smile may cost you a lot!
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