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Neuro-Linguistic Programming, definition, and analysis

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

NLP is not a branch of science; It does not depend on scientific results related to neuroscience or psychology but was developed as a system in the year 1970 AD by two specialists in what is known as self-help.
 There are many opinions that agree with or disagree with NLP; Among them is the opinion of Doctor Stephen Novella, who says that the assumptions of NLP about the possibility of programming emotions and behavior by simulating several superficial aspects are incorrect and incorrect. 
 As for the Bandler Institute, which specializes in this programming, it is a study specialized in the individual experience; 
 As human behaviors that depend on linguistic programming will contribute to the emergence of works closer to magic by relying on building a new means of understanding the effects of communication on the human brain.

History of Neuro-Linguistic Programming 

The history of NLP goes back to the book (Roberto Asaggioli), published in 1965 on psychological structure; His book contained the first foundations of NLP, and the work of Assagioli was discovered by the American therapist and trainer in the field of NLP.

 (Michael Hall), who was interested in identifying a set of exercises and ideas for Assagioli;
 To clarify that his books contributed to the history of NLP ten years before its popularity.

 (Fritz Perls) contributed to the development of NLP; He is credited with the emergence of the concept of Gestalt therapy, and a group of people, including his wife, shared it in the publication of the first book on Gestalt therapy, and Perls was able to turn it into a therapeutic tool that can be used and benefited from.
 As for the word Gestalt, it is A term used to indicate that the single-part model is not sufficient to fully understand the topic.

NLP Thinkers A group of thinkers has been interested in preparing applications and studies on NLP, and the following is a mention of some information about a group of these thinkers:

 Judith DeLozier: 

Is a researcher interested in the humanities and religious studies, the beginning of her study of NLP was due to her husband's request from her to read the draft of his book and provide her opinion on it, and since that time Judith became interested in NLP, and she collaborated with her husband in Preparing new principles for this programming, and later it became specialized in epistemology; Which is a way to study epistemology.

Leslie Cameron-Bandler: 

She is a researcher who studied psychology and sociology, and then became a member of the NLP group at her university, and later became the first research director of the Association for this programming and stopped studying NLP at the end of the eighties.

David Gordon:

 Is a researcher interested in the study of psychology, and later became one of the most important pioneers and thinkers who contributed to the development of NLP. His method of applying them was based on specialized training in stories and stories, and he published on this field in a book known as Therapeutic Metaphors, and Gordon participated with Michael Lee Poe and Leslie Cameron in reaching the discovery of the structure of personal experience, and the development of the model for simulating mental preparedness.
 This led to the emergence of the idea of ​​the certain self, which represents the model that speaks of the individual committed to fixed times and contexts from his birth until his death. For those who achieve success in their lives, Gordon's efforts led to the emergence of a major development in NLP.

 Robert Dilts:

 Is a researcher who created a model in NLP known as the neurological levels, and published many books and books, including a volume on NLP, and was interested in studying the relationships between health and spiritual aspects and NLP, and Dilts contributed to the establishment of engineering The Humanities, which is the first training course in NLP.

NLP Topics

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is concerned with studying several areas and topics, the most important of which are:

 Realizing the meaning of time, promoting effective communication between the individual and other individuals, and encouraging him to be in harmony with them.
 Recognize the various human patterns, such as the digital pattern, the auditory pattern, the sensory pattern, the visual pattern, and the appropriate way of interacting with these patterns, and the nature of the thinking of other individuals.
 Contribute to the treatment of personal conditions, such as controlling individual habits, delusion, fear, and phobia, and seeking to improve them for the better.
 Develop, develop and improve the team and individual skills, and strive to support the level of individual performance.
 Helping individuals to learn skills that contribute to raising their levels and make them distinctive, such as the skill of picture reading and the skill of speed reading.
 Understand the foundations of hypnosis and the means of using it in treating a range of individual cases.

Features of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Neuro-Linguistic Programming is characterized by a number of advantages, including:

- Pay more attention to processes than content and content.
- Take advantage of all sciences.
- Get effective and fast results.
- Use the simplest means available.
- Individuals do not need to possess any scientific disciplines; Therefore, it is easy to learn NLP.

Benefits of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

NLP offers several benefits, including:

- Control negative feelings and contribute to changing them into positive ones.
- Individual's ability to regulate how he thinks and utilize it as he pleases.
- Get rid of all undesirable habits and safes as soon as possible.
- Promote harmony between the individual and other individuals.
- The individual's knowledge of the method contributes to achieving the results he requests.
- Recognize strategies and methods for the superiority and success of other individuals, and the keenness to apply them to oneself.
- Implementation of the policy of rapid change of things one wants.
- Quickly persuading and influencing others.



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