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Self-development, types, activities, and definition



The term self-development is defined as a person's effort and striving to be better than he is,

 By improving his abilities, capabilities, and qualifications, and this is by knowing and developing the strengths of his personality, and this development includes mental abilities, communication skills with others, improving the ability to control oneself, feelings, and reactions, and providing them with many skills and positive behavior. Self-development is of great importance, whether for the individual or for society, and its importance varies from one person to another in degree or level. As each has its own approach, but the majority start developing self-confidence first as an entry point for self-development.

 It can be said that self-esteem and respect express the individual's sense of his worth and abilities, which are fundamental to his identity, and family relationships are the largest builder of an individual's self-esteem; Especially during the childhood stage, which plays a major role in its development; Where parents can enhance their children’s self-esteem, by constantly expressing their love for them, by showing affection and respect, and by helping their children set realistic goals that they will pursue instead of imposing unrealistic standards on them and asking for them to be achieved, and Karen Horney has been reported that lack of respect The individual and his self-esteem can lead him to the weakness of his personality, which leads him to follow extreme means to prove himself, and it is worth noting that poor self-esteem and appreciation leads to a person’s inability to develop his talents and take advantage of his strengths.

 Self-development methods

There are several ways that the individual can follow to develop himself and improve his competencies, namely: reducing the gap between the information and education systems that the individual receives and the skills he acquires from them, and what he actually needs in his practical life. Continuing to learn and be informed of all the new scientific changes that are taking place, in order to develop capabilities in line with the developments taking place in society. Setting a goal in life. Gain new ways to deal with stress and life problems. Bringing change in all aspects of life.

Self-development skills

Self-development and building a strong personality require several skills, namely:

Defining goals and striving to achieve them: this requires setting an appropriate plan and starting its implementation; to reach the drawn end.

- Order of priorities: Since the goals differ in their importance, there is the important and there is the most important, and therefore the individual has to live in the circle of important matters and implement them leaving unimportant activities, and this would achieve his goals in less time and with higher efficiency.

- Learning to work and not just to learn: Learning in itself is very important, but it becomes useless and a heavy burden if the person does not work with it, so the individual must use what he learns in the service of himself and his community.

- Upgrading thinking: sound thinking is what distinguishes a person from others, and it is a skill that needs training, and a necessity for the advancement and development of the individual, and with it, one can overcome his problems and improve his conditions.

- Cultivating optimism in the soul: positivity is important for development, and positive energy keeps the soul away from feelings of frustration and defeat, which increases the individual’s effectiveness and achievement and enhances the spirit of initiative within him.

- Development and success begin within the individual. Therefore, he must trust his abilities and enhance his confidence in himself and his capabilities, and this is what makes him master his work and succeed in his life.

- Listen to others, and speak as little as possible. Because good listening increases the opportunity to learn and gain experiences from others.

- Improving relations with others, respecting them, taking into account, and conversing with them, while reducing positive expectations from them, which increases the chances of benefiting from them.

Balance in various aspects of life; As the complexities of life and the exaggeration of its requirements may cause tension and frustration at times, and therefore the individual must balance his relationships, work, and all aspects of his life; To match his personality.

Concentrating efforts on an aspect of the personality in which the individual finds himself, so that he does not give his time for everything and then comes out with nothing, and continue to develop this aspect, which increases the chances of development and achieving the goal.

Self-confidence and its relationship to self-development

Self-development needs personal strength and self-confidence, and this is what workers and those interested in this field focus on. He is able to act successfully in various life situations, and he can distinguish between good and evil, so he is able to make the right choice, and self-confidence is defined as that feeling that an individual feels about himself, which enables him to act and speak without hesitation, or fear, so that he does not care about reactions others; He acts and makes his own decisions, and they stem from a person’s respect for himself, and his belief that God has placed in every human being a feature that makes him different from others, and he must discover this feature and try to develop and create in it, and build his personality through it.

Types of self-confidence

There are two types of self-confidence:

- Absolute self-confidence: A person who possesses this type of confidence has the ability to face all the pressures and problems in life, and does not give up easily, as he accepts failure or error, as it is the confidence that is based on strong justifications.

- Defined self-confidence: What distinguishes this confidence is that it does not appear in all situations; This is according to the person's assessment of the situation he is exposed to, as he appreciates and knows his capabilities.

  Boosting self-confidence

- Self-confidence is a learned behavior that can be developed and strengthened, by following the following:

- A person's self-esteem, looking at it in a positive way and believing that he deserves the best.

- The belief that God has placed in each person something that distinguishes him, and that each person possesses talents and skills that others may not possess, and at the same time he must realize the weaknesses in his personality so that he can improve them, and whoever realizes all of this can develop himself and succeed in life, and it depends About comparing himself to others.

- Feeding the personality by going through experiences in everything that is new, and would build personality and increase self-confidence.

- Participation in group work, such as volunteer work and group activities that gives the individual the opportunity to express his opinion and communicate with others.

- Refrain from committing actions that cause the person to blame himself a lot. This would undermine his self-confidence.

Optimism for a better tomorrow, and accompanying people who spread positive energy to those around them.

 Training yourself to make decisions.

In order for a person to build a strong personality that will enhance his self-confidence, and thus his quest for continuous self-development, he must listen well to others, read and constantly look at what is new, exchange views with others and accept their opinions, thus increasing his communication skills and becoming a good speaker, His horizons in life expand and he has an opinion, thus forming his own personality and not imitating others, and helping, supporting and respecting others improves his personality and brings him the respect and gratitude of others, which is reflected in building his personality positively.


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