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Self-personal development goal, and purpose

Self-personal development goal, and purpose

The concept of self-development and personality development is one of the relatively recent concepts that emerged after the emergence of the tremendous development in modern human life in various fields, where this modern development has become linked to the extent of human development and advancement. And this, in turn, requires the individual to have the skill, speed of perception, understanding, comprehension, and the ability to analyze and conclude, meaning the person’s self-development and the development of his personality in order to be able to activate the various skills inherent in him to improve the quality of his life with optimum use of the achievements of modern civilization.

The meaning of self-development and personal development

Self-development in its simplest sense means that the individual seeks to acquire the necessary skills to improve his life and develop his personality, and the definitions refer to the diversity of concepts of self-development. (Mignson and Pedler) have explained
  Self-development is “individual bearing the responsibility of self-development by himself”, meaning that the individual is the one who takes the decision and responsibility to test what he will train or learn from various skills and at the time he desires to do so, as well as choosing the appropriate training method, meaning developing skills and knowledge that meets his needs or the needs of the party in which he works or both.

What is the goal and purpose of self-development and personal development?

The goal of self-development is manifested in acquiring the skills, experiences, and capabilities that any individual must have in order to do life’s work in the best way, as every work requires the availability of a set of skills that enhance the individual’s abilities to face the burdens of life efficiently and effectively, especially if the tasks are diversified. Which the individual performs in life, and this requires the availability of a set of physical, technical, mental, and behavioral skills that help to complete tasks successfully and reduce losses to the minimum possible.

Self-development is considered one of the main goals as a model to be followed in preparing the individual for success and providing him with the necessary skills to face the burdens of modern life. the foundations necessary to acquire it. Therefore, all available resources must be used to improve the individual's capabilities by increasing his individual capabilities in order to develop his life for the better in the best way.


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